Who are we and what do we stand for? 

Who we are

Therapists Against Conversion Therapy and Transphobia (TACTT) is a  grassroots collective of therapists, counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists and other therapeutic practitioners, incuding trainees in these fields, who oppose conversion therapy and transphobia in the therapy profession.

We do not have a formal structure, which allows for individuals within the group being empowered to take action.

We are UK based but our members are based all over the world, each doing their bit to take action.

What we stand for/ our ethos

We believe that everyone should be able to explore their gender and sexuality in an open, non-judgemental space when accessing therapy services, and that no gender or sexuality is inherently better than or preferable to any other.

We believe that trans, non-binary and gender expansive people are the experts of our own experiences. We push for our voices to be included in training and conversations about working with gender in therapy.

We oppose state (of all kinds) attempts to enact violence upon or erase trans people.

We reject the notion that the rights and needs of trans people are in conflict with those of (cis) women; we believe that trans rights and liberation benefit us all.

We take an intersectional view of oppression and the harms caused by transphobia, recognising that transness intersects with other aspects of one’s self which are oppressed, such as: Blackness or Brownness, disability, class, sex worker status, and neurodiversity. Intersectionality means that multiple forms of oppression intersect and compound one another. The intersecting axes of transphobia and racism result in Black and Brown trans people being further oppressed and marginalised even within queer communities. 

We support a legal ban of all kinds of conversion therapy and want all therapy training institutions to actively align with the MOU against Conversion Therapy in the UK and comparative measures in other countries.

We actively build alliances with other counselling and psychotherapy bodies in this work and are currently collaborating with: Counsellors Together, Pink Therapy, Psychotherapy and Counselling Union, Radical Therapist Network, and Relational School.

How we work:

TACTT is an activist group, rather than a learning space. 

We provide a space for therapists to connect and share ideas and support for actions.

We build resources, information and training for institutions.

We take action to challenge the law, statutory guidelines, and governmental policies in order to stop conversion therapy and transphobia.

We take action to challenge counselling and therapy training and regulatory bodies on conversion therapy and transphobia.

We share resources such as letters, campaigns, challenges etc.